Meet the elephants

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Meet the gentle giants

These gorgeous elephants spend their days wallowing in pools and sampling bananas from their adoring keepers. Read on to discover more about their unique personalities.


Putra Mas



Sex: Female
Age: 33

Permai is best known for her mischievous and cheeky personality - she loves to be the centre of attention and she's known among keepers as a bit of a rascal.

But through her cheekiness, she's an incredibly loyal and affectionate elephant who loves companionship. She's also an active gardener and likes to 'help' the horticulture team with tree pruning wherever she can - even though they don't ask for it!

After the loss of matriarch Tricia in 2022, Permai felt deep grief. She leaned heavily on the company of her dedicated keepers, and while she's regained her spark, she still misses her old elephant friend and the company of other females.

Now, Permai remains the only female elephant at Perth Zoo and she desperately needs a forever home with an elephant herd.

Putra Mas

Sex: Male
Age: 33

Putra Mas translates to 'golden prince' and he's certainly earned his namesake! He is as smart as he is cheeky, and he's quick to vocalise and trumpet away when he's happy.

Putra Mas has grown into an incredibly strong and remarkably intelligent bull elephant. In fact, his intelligence continues to blow keepers away!

While working with him from a safe distance, keepers say Putra Mas is able to understand new training programs very quickly and with ease. It's incredible to watch him understand his keepers and play games with them like soccer and relay races.

Putra Mas has also played an important role in the species' regional breeding program, introducing new and valuable genetics into the pool. In 2018, he sired a calf through artificial insemination, a female born in New South Wales.


Sex: Female
Age: 40

Burma was born in 1982 in Myanmar (formerly Burma) where she spent her early years at a logging camp. She came to Auckland Zoo in 1990 at eight years old.

Now 40 years old, Burma has matured into a lovely gentle elephant - still very energetic and playful, but slightly less mischievous!

Auckland Zoo's older female elephant Kashin became her constant companion until she passed away in 2009.

Asian Elephant Anjalee arrived in 2015 (aged eight) before moving to Taronga Western Plains Zoo in Australia in March 2022. The two elephants enjoyed a friendship and each other's company.

Thanks to the skills and dedication of the team at Auckland Zoo to meet Burma's needs, she is continuing to do well while her team continue to work hard to find her a new forever home with an elephant family herd and environment that will best meet her needs and ensure her future long-term wellbeing.

Donate to home them in SA

These elephants could become founders of a South Australian herd. There, they would socialise and roam at Monarto Safari Park in a new habitat that meets their complex social structure needs.

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